A Shoplifting Or Theft Conviction Will Change Your Life Forever. It May Render Your Education Useless, Ruin Your Chances Of Getting A Good Job And Even Increase The Costs Of Many Of Life's Necessities From Renting An Apartment To Increasing Your Insurance Rates. Below We Have Put Together A Checklist Of 5 Things To Look When Hiring A Shoplifting Lawyer:
1. Shoplifting and Theft Charges are the same everywhere in the State of New Jersey. Thus, you want to choose a lawyer based on his success rate not how close he or she is to the court, store, or your home. Just like a doctor the best lawyer is generally never the closest one to you.
Our Answer: Attorney H. Scott Aalsberg, Esq., has a 98% Success Rate of winning, reducing or eliminating the penalties of a NJ Shoplifting or Theft Offense. Of course no attorney can guarantee a result on a future case, but the past is generally the best predictor of the future. It is well worth traveling an hour or two from home to make sure you have his high rate of success and many of our clients do. Once your case result is determined by the judge it is too late to hire another lawyer. You only have one chance to get the best result so choose wisely the first time. Attorney Aalsberg's 98% success rate speaks for itself.
2. Check out the years of practice of your lawyer and the ethics records of your attorney to see if your lawyer has ever been suspended, disbarred, censured or reprimanded by the NJ Supreme Court or Federal Courts.
Our Answer: Attorney H. Scott Aalsberg has been in practice for over 30 years in NJ and his associates and/or per-diem attorneys have all been in practice a minimum of 15 years. All Attorneys working for our firm have never had any disciplinary records in any State or Federal Court.
3. Check the Industry Awards and Peer Recognition Your Attorney has been chosen for.
Our Answer: Attorney Aalsberg has been Ranked by the National Academy of Criminal Defense Attorney as one of the Top Ten Criminal Lawyers. Attorney Aalsberg has been selected as one of the Top 100 Trial Lawyers by the National Trial Lawyers and Attorney Aalsberg holds a perfect 10.0 Rating by AVVO Attorney Rating Service. Attorney Aalsberg was nominated and selected as one of the Ten Best Criminal Lawyers for client satisfaction by the National Institute of Criminal Law Attorneys for both 2015-2023. Lastly and most importantly: Peer Recognition, Attorney Aalsberg has been endorsed by over 225 Attorneys Nationwide putting him in the top 1% of Attorneys Nationwide.
4. Check on Yahoo, Google or AVVO for reviews of the law firms your thinking of choosing:
Just like you would check out the reviews of a new car you should also check out the reviews of the law firm you are using. We have over 200 perfect 5 star reviews on google, yahoo, yelp and other review sites and we hold a Better Business Bureau Rating of A+
5. Check on Yahoo or Google the name of the law firm for the areas of practice the law firm handles. If the firm has a nice website for shoplifting do they also have a website for injuries and accidents or divorce?
Do this simple check by entering in the search box on Yahoo or Google the name of the firm. All of the websites for the firm will then appear. Look down the list and click on a few. Unlike other firms, you will not find another website for our firm showing that we handle anything but Criminal and Municipal Court Matters. As a famous person once said. "A jack of all trades is a master of none" Attorney H. Scott Aalsberg has a 98% success rate because he works in court only with criminal and traffic ticket matters.